Creature Comforts Homestead Kirkville

Michelle says her residential neighbors have “their own agenda”. Like being concerned about property values? According to Michelle (Creature Comforts Homestead Kirkville) we’re awful, selfish neighbors. We have no lives. We have no right to be concerned about losing tens of thousands in property value. And have no rights to peaceful enjoyment of our homes. … Read more

Creature Comforts Homestead at war with neighbors…

Neighbor War

The neighbors of Creature Comforts Homestead aren’t “fighting” her but apparently that how she feels towards us. We simply don’t want a large scale commercial dog kennel interfering and conflicting with our peaceful enjoyment of this residential neighborhood. I guess it’s ok for the Beals to attain their “dream” at the expense of their neighbors. … Read more

Moore Rd property values.

Good bye investment

Moore Rd property values can be devastated by the construction of a large commercial dog kennel. Here’s an interesting article on property values and how neighbors can be held liable for losses. Studies have shown that dog kennels can cause neighboring residential property values to plummet between 10 and 20%. Property value is something that … Read more

“Peaceful enjoyment of neighboring residential uses”

Peace and quiet

The planning board is obligated to approve or disapprove the special use permit based on the law. The law clearly states that the kennel cannot “Interfere or conflict with the peaceful enjoyment of neighboring residential uses”. The planning board refuses to consider noise when applying this law. They gave two reasons; First, because the town … Read more

Estimating sound levels

Health Hazard

It is a mathematical certainty that 20 barking dogs, in such proximity of an MR-12 residential neighborhood, would interfere and conflict with the peaceful enjoyment of neighboring residential uses. Kirkville NY dog kennel on Moore Road will disrupt the natural flora of the neighborhood. Let us know if you’d like to help us keep Moore … Read more